Research in the Blum lab is diverse and multidisciplinary, where we use a combination of organic chemistry and biochemical methodologies. One area of our research focuses on proteases which are enzymes that cleave proteins.
Our mission is to investigate the use of stem cell and gene therapies for skeletal tissue regeneration and to translate these technologies to clinical practice.
Our lab focuses on studying cell signaling and protein trafficking in cancer cells using synthetic biology tools. Additionally, we are developing cell-based therapies to target solid tumors.
Focus on the design of innovative drug-delivery systems and employing advanced mass spectrometry imaging technologies to address fundamental questions in medicine.
Research interests are focused on site-specific therapy and real-time diagnostics of inflammation and malignant processes in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
Our lab is focused on uncovering the involvement of the endocannabinoid system in the pathogenesis of obesity and its metabolic complications, with therapeutic prospects for the development of an effective drug therapy.
Our group is interested in the structural and synaptic changes induced by depression and antidepressants. We focus on Neurensin-2, a recently identified depression-mediating protein that is also regulated by antidepressants.
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