
Prof. Hadar Steinberg

Prof. Hadar Steinberg

Director of the Center, The Racah Institute of Physics, Faculty Of Science

Brief Summary of research: 

Electronic transport and tunneling in van-der-Waals devices. 

Specific research topics related to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology:

Two-dimensional materials, graphene, superconductivity.


Dr. Miri Adler

The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences

Brief Summary of research: 

In my research I develop mathematical and computational models to investigate tissue-level processes in health and disease.

Specific research topics related to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology:

ronny a

Prof. Aharon Agranat

Director of the Brojde Center for Innovative Engineering and Computer Science
The N. Jaller Professor of Applied Science

Brief Summary of research: 

Ronny Agranat's research is aimed towards the creation of generic methods, devices, and materials to be used in novel computing, communication, and sensing schemes and architectures.

Andrea Alu

Prof. Andrea Alu

CUNY Advanced Science Research Center

For his seminal contributions to nano-optics, nano-photonics, plasmonics and photonics. Including the dicsovery of giant non-reciprocity, non-linear phenomena, and enhaced light-matter interactions using nanostructured materials, metasurfaces and metamaterials.