Ziv Meir: Advances in quantum-logic control of simple molecules Sun, 16/04/202312:15Location: Seminar Hall, Los Angeles Building, entrance floor
Osip Schwartz: Electron-laser interactions in quantum-enhanced electron microscopy and fundamental physics Sun, 19/03/202312:15Location: Seminar Hall, Los Angeles Building, entrance floor
Brian Rosen: Electrochemical Performance of Catalysts Supported by 3D and 2D Transition Metal Carbides at Positive Potentials Sun, 30/04/202312:15Location: Seminar Hall, Los Angeles Building, entrance floor
Daniel Abou-Ras: Microstructure-property relationships and in-situ monitoring of phase-segregation in materials for solar-energy conversion by correlative electron microscopy Mon, 06/02/202312:15Location: Seminar Hall, Los Angeles Building, entrance floor
Ady Arie: Generation of Spatial and Spectral Qudits Using Quantum Nonlinear Holograms Sun, 08/01/202312:15Location: Seminar Hall, Los Angeles Building, entrance floor
Moshe Ben Shalom: Ladder Ferroelectrics by vdW Sliding Sun, 18/12/202212:15Location: Seminar Hall, Los Angeles Building, entrance floor
Inna Popov: New Scanning Electron Microscopes Just Installed at the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Sun, 11/12/202212:15Location: Seminar Hall, Los Angeles Building, entrance floor
Ulyana Shimanovich: Protein Biomaterials Sun, 04/12/202212:15Location: Seminar Hall, Los Angeles Building, entrance floor
Gideon Segev: Ratchet Based Ion Pumps Sun, 13/11/202212:15Location: Seminar Hall, Los Angeles Building, entrance floor
Shaya Fainman: Integrated Nanophotonic Technologies and Applications. Sun, 30/10/202212:15Location: Seminar Hall, Los Angeles Building, entrance floor
Richard L. Brutchey: Adventures in Colloidal Nanocrystal Surface Chemistry Thu, 23/06/202214:00Location: 14:00 | Seminar Hall, Los Angeles Building, entrance floor
Sanjeevi Sivasankar: Biophysics of cadherin adhesion: how cell adhesion proteins respond to force Sun, 19/06/202212:00Location: 12:00 | Seminar Hall, Los Angeles Building, entrance floor
Efrat Lifshitz: The influence intrinsic magnetic fields on the optical properties of two-dimensional semiconductors Sun, 12/06/202212:15Location: 12:15 | Seminar Hall, Los Angeles Building, entrance floor
Barak Akabayov: Reconfiguring primase DNA-recognition sequences by using a data-driven approach Sun, 24/04/202212:15Location: 12:00 | Seminar Hall, Los Angeles Building, entrance floor
Malachi Noked: Suppression of Electrode Material Degradation by Using Surface Modifications Techniques (Recording is available) Sun, 20/03/202212:15Location: Seminar Hall, Los Angeles Building, entrance floor