Dr. Ilya Goykhman | Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Dr. Ilya Goykhman

iliya g
Department of Applied Physics, The Racah Institute of Physics, Faculty of science


Brief Summary of research: 

My research portfolio encompasses Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Engineering, Device Physics and Material science.

Specific research topics related to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology:

My current research interests are focused on the development of novel 2D-materials devices and hybrid 2D-3D systems for applications in integrated optoelectronics and quantum technologies with particular emphases on new functionalities, advanced performances and energy efficiency. This includes, for example, broadband and smart hotodetectors for multispectral/hyperspectral imaging and spectroscopy, integrated quantum light sources forquantum PIC and quantum states manipulations on-chip, hybrid 2D/Silicon photonics for optical communication, and flexible/wearable 2D sensors for IoT.