Brief Summary of research:
Our group studies the chemistry, material science, and application of solar energy conversion materials. The research focuses on plasma-enhanced growth processes, combinatorial approaches, advanced characterization, and fundamental studies of novel functional materials, primarily hetero-anionic semiconductors, for solar energy-driven conversion of cheap, abundant resources (such as water and CO2) into chemical fuels.
Specific research topics related to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology:
Hetero-anionic materials consist of metal cation(s) and at least two anionic species (e.g., O2-, N3-, S2-, and H-) in a single phase, offering a broader avenue to tune properties than homo-anionic materials due to differences in anions properties. Plasma-enhanced growth processes can increase the stability of hetero-anionic materials, unlocking new chemical spaces inaccessible through conventional solid-state reactions and accelerated by combinatorial approaches.
Discovering new semiconductor materials with enhanced physicochemical properties and stability in aqueous solutions is an age-old task in photoelectrochemical water-splitting research. Oxynitrides are predicted to contain such desired material compositions. We investigate pioneering synthesis routes, physicochemical properties, and working mechanisms of oxynitride perovskite model systems and fully assembled photoelectrochemical devices for water splitting.