Prof. Zvi Ovadyahu

The Racah Institute of Physics, Faculty Of Science

Brief Summary of research: 
Our laboratory is engaged in the study of basic physical phenomena brought about by the presence of static disorder in electronic systems. These phenomena are usually associated with quantum-mechanical effects that are observable in small systems measured at low temperatures.  Current research subjects include: Quantum phenomena in systems driven out of equilibrium, electronic-glasses, mesoscopics, superconductivity and Josephson effects, resonant tunneling, metal/insulator and superconductor/insulator transitions.
Specific research topics related to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology:
Structure analysis of thin films for characterization and disorder dependence. This is accomplished by a variety of tools at the nanocenter using TEM (for morphology and crystallography), STEM (for chemical composition byEDAX), XRD and XRR for lattice spacing and uniformity of surfaces, Raman spectroscopy for studying the boson peak dependence on composition of amorphous structures.