3D Printed NanoArt

3D art


A new competition inaugurated at the Nano Center 2023 annual conference: The 3D Printed Nano Art 12 pioneer projects established by students and postdocs. The projects were designed and printed to visualize their research in 3D.  

The competition gave the participants a new venue to promote their research ideas, visualize them and let the audience touch and understand aspects of science which are hard to explain within the limitations of 2D posters and articles. All the works were presented by their owners to the judging team and the conference attendants. The competition was led by the Nano Center's 3D & Functional Printing staff Matan Divald and Yariv Pinto who turned the concepts of the competitors into printable works. All the proects were printed at the 3D Printing Center.

Three 3D printers were given as prizes - two to outstandig projects and one to the group of Prof. Daniel Mandler for large participation. The winning work Bar Bader - "3D Printed perovskite puzzle" was praised by the judges for giving scientific insight into the pervoskite 3D structure. The winning project by Omer Shoseyov and Ofek Vardi  - "Magnetic Surface Influence on SP1 protein 3D structure and electrical Propeties" combined 3D printing, artistic design, mechanical engineering and elctronics to make a dynamic represntation of their nano scale research.

This is the first of what we intend to make into a recurring event within the NanoCenter's annual conferences.

3D Printed NanoArt Pictures - Click Here

Nano Center annual conference event 2023 - Click here