The Hebrew University Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology mission is to support the fabrication and characterization of nanoscale devices and materials for both academic and industrial users. We do this by maintaining a state-of-the-art well-equipped cleanroom facility and advanced characterization instruments with a wide range of capabilities, all operated by our highly professional staff, who are who are experts in their field. On top of being a core facility center, the nano Center provides a platform for research collaborations, encourages Interdisciplinary approach between its faculty members, Initiates and produces various events to promote knowledge and research in Nano and train the next generation of scientists by M.Sc. track with specialization in Nano. 

Our Services

M.Sc. Study Programs

Our vision is to nurture our students to become a major force in shaping the future of Israeli science and technology both in academia and in industry. A special graduate study program towards a M.Sc. degree in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology has been developed in our center, to educate and prepare outstanding students towards a successful research and industrial careers in those cutting-edge fields.

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Upcoming Events

Active Open Calls

Call for Outstanding PhD students 2024-2025

1 September 2024

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Nano Center Scholarship for Outstanding PhD students -  
Call for Proposals 2024-2025

Dear members of the Nano Center,
As in previous years, the Nano Center is issuing a call for scholarships aimed at outstanding PhD students who excel in both their academic studies and research. The scholarship will be awarded for a minimum period of one year, with the final amount determined based on the number of granted students.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • PhD student at the beginning of his/her PhD studies (Started PhD studies not before October 1st, 2023)
  • The applicant's research is conducted in a Nano Center member's lab and is Nano-related.
  • The student will be required to submit a progress report to the Nano center and its donors.
  • Double funding is not allowed if there is a student receiving internal scholarships.

Required Documents for Submission:

  1. CV, including a list of publications (if applicable)
  2. List of BA and MA grades
  3. Letter of recommendation from  the PI
  4. Research abstract (up to one page)
  5. Commitment letter from the PI stating: 
  6. The PI will provide the student with a matching scholarship of at least 100% for the duration of the Nano Center scholarship.

Please note:

Each PI may nominate only one student from their group. However, an exception is made for students who completed their Nano Center's MSc studies with a specialization in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology — they are eligible to apply for this scholarship independently. In this case, multiple students from the same group may compete for the scholarship: one nominated by the PI, and additional students who completed the Nano program and are applying on their own. Students who completed the Center’s MSc program in the academic years תשפ"ג and תשפ"ד have already been notified directly

Application Process: 

Applications should be submitted by the PI via email to Karin Cohen at no later than  September 30, 2024.
Hadar Steinberg


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Nano Center Call for Proposals for Multi-Disciplinary Joint Research

4 September 2024

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Key themes in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology are multidisciplinary and collaboration. As a hub of scientific and technological excellence, the Hebrew University Center for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology promotes cutting-edge, cross-disciplinary research that spans a variety of faculties and fields, including chemistry, physics, engineering, life sciences, agriculture, pharmacy, and medicine.

To further advance joint multidisciplinary research within the Nano Center, we will fund cross-disciplinary projects designed to foster and expand collaborations between Nano Center members from different institutes and research fields.

We invite proposal applications from groups of two Nano Center members representing different institutes (e.g., Chemistry and Physics) to collaborate on research projects in any area of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.

Funding will be provided for one year and will cover scholarships for two PhD students per research project—one from each member group of the Nano Center—at a full 100% rate. Approximately three proposals will be selected for funding.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Every joint multi-disciplinary research submission must be a collaboration between two Nano Center members, from deferent fields and different institutes. (click here for Nano Center's members info).
  • The approved funding will support two full 100% PhD students scholarships—one for each of the two Nano Center members involved in the research proposal.
  • Each Nano Center member is eligible to submit only one proposal.
  • Scholarship funding for the PhD student may start maximum up to 2 months after approval. Once granted, the funding cannot be transferred to another student from PI group.
  • The PhD student cannot receive other financial support from the Nano Center or from internal university scholarships.
  • A progress report must be submitted to the Nano Center and donors at the end of the year.
  • Applications sent in previous years and not yet funded can be resubmitted.

Required Documents for Submission:

  1. Abstract of the joint research proposal (up to 1 page).
  2. Names of the two PhD students who will work on the project and receive the scholarship (one from each lab), if known at this time.
  3. PI and Students CV's including list of publications if applicable (for each student, and 10 selected publications for each PI).
  4. Commitment letter from each PI stating: 

“The PI is committed to provide the student with a matching of at least 100% for the one-year duration of the funded project”.

Application Process:
The joint research applications should be sent by one of the PI's via e-mail to Karin Cohen:  no later than October 27, 2024

Hadar Steinberg



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Dan Maydan Prize in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2023

November 12, 2024

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The Hebrew University's Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology hereby invites nominations of candidates for the Dan Maydan Prize in Nanoscience Research 2024 for outstanding mid-career scientist in in the field of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 

About the prize:
The $10,000 Dan Maydan Prize in Nanoscience Research is awarded annually to an outstanding mid-career scientist, from Israel or abroad, for significant academic achievements in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. The prize enables an interchange of knowledge between the Center’s scientists and Nano-scientists worldwide 

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Nominations are to be made by recognized scientists and academic leaders. Self-nominations are not allowed.
  • Candidates should have received their doctorate from 1.1.2007 onwards.
    Maternity leave extension – 12 months for each child after the PhD.
  • Candidates should be affiliated with an academic research institution.
  • Candidates should be significant emerging scientific leaders in the field of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology with outstanding track record of a major discovery in the field, and current ground-breaking research activity in the field of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 

Nominations process:

  Applications by recognized scientists and scientific leaders nominating suitable candidates should be submitted as PDF files to the HUCNN by email to  no later than March 14 , 2024 and should include:

  • Cover page with the following info: 

           Name of applicant including contact details
           Name of nominator including contact details
           Names of recommenders including contact details 

  • CV (including relevant personal information, candidate’s contact information, and up to 10 most significant publications in nanotechnology)
  • List of publications and summary of bibliographic citation data of the candidate
  • Short citation of the reason for awarding the prize to the candidate (up to 250 words)
  • Award justification by the nominator: Summary of main research achievements in nanoscience and nanotechnology (1-2 pages)
  • At least two additional letters of recommendation (in addition to the award justification)

Selection Committee:
A selection committee, of at least three members, headed by the founding director of the HUCNN (Prof. Uri Banin) and the current director of the HUCNN (Prof. Hadar Steinberg) will review all potential candidates and select the most suitable for the award. 

Award ceremony: 
The Prize will be awarded to the laureate at a ceremony in 2024 at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Edmond J. Safra Campus, Jerusalem, Israel.
The prize laureate will be invited to Jerusalem for a week as a guest of the Hebrew University nanoscience community, giving academic lectures and seminars as well as engaging and interacting with faculty members, students and technical-scientific staff.  




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Latest News

Congratulations to Prof. Uri Banin for winning the prestigious Rothschild Prize

Congratulations to Prof. Uri Banin for winning the prestigious Rothschild Prize

22 September, 2024

Congratulations to Prof. Uri Banin for winning the prestigious Rothschild Prize in Chemical Sciences for 2024. The honorable winners were selected in recognition of an outstanding scientific achievement, breakthrough, or discovery in selected fields.
Prof. Benin founded the Nano Center in 2001 and servied as its first director for nearly a decade until 2010. 
The prize ceremony will take place on September 18,2024.

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