Nano Center Call for Proposals for Multi-Disciplinary Joint Research

4 September 2024


Key themes in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology are multidisciplinary and collaboration. As a hub of scientific and technological excellence, the Hebrew University Center for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology promotes cutting-edge, cross-disciplinary research that spans a variety of faculties and fields, including chemistry, physics, engineering, life sciences, agriculture, pharmacy, and medicine.

To further advance joint multidisciplinary research within the Nano Center, we will fund cross-disciplinary projects designed to foster and expand collaborations between Nano Center members from different institutes and research fields.

We invite proposal applications from groups of two Nano Center members representing different institutes (e.g., Chemistry and Physics) to collaborate on research projects in any area of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.

Funding will be provided for one year and will cover scholarships for two PhD students per research project—one from each member group of the Nano Center—at a full 100% rate. Approximately three proposals will be selected for funding.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Every joint multi-disciplinary research submission must be a collaboration between two Nano Center members, from deferent fields and different institutes. (click here for Nano Center's members info).
  • The approved funding will support two full 100% PhD students scholarships—one for each of the two Nano Center members involved in the research proposal.
  • Each Nano Center member is eligible to submit only one proposal.
  • Scholarship funding for the PhD student may start maximum up to 2 months after approval. Once granted, the funding cannot be transferred to another student from PI group.
  • The PhD student cannot receive other financial support from the Nano Center or from internal university scholarships.
  • A progress report must be submitted to the Nano Center and donors at the end of the year.
  • Applications sent in previous years and not yet funded can be resubmitted.

Required Documents for Submission:

  1. Abstract of the joint research proposal (up to 1 page).
  2. Names of the two PhD students who will work on the project and receive the scholarship (one from each lab), if known at this time.
  3. PI and Students CV's including list of publications if applicable (for each student, and 10 selected publications for each PI).
  4. Commitment letter from each PI stating: 

“The PI is committed to provide the student with a matching of at least 100% for the one-year duration of the funded project”.

Application Process:
The joint research applications should be sent by one of the PI's via e-mail to Karin Cohen:  no later than October 27, 2024

Hadar Steinberg