Dr. Ofer Kfir: Prospects of the electron microscope as a quantum tool with nanoscopic precision

Sun, 05/01/202512:15
Seminar Hall, Los Angeles Building, entrance floor

Ofer KfirDr. Ofer Kfir

School of Electrical Engineering,  Tel Aviv University


Electron microscopes (EMs) were perfected in the last decades as platforms for versatile materials analysis, with precision down to the atomic scale. Historically, EMs were inspired by light microscopes, aiming at imaging at subwavelength resolution. But why only analysis, or imaging? Photons are powerful scientific agents across fields, enabling ultrafast dynamics, clocks, and quantum communication and coherent control.
This talk discusses concepts for harnessing the beams within electron microscopes to form a quantum toolbox. I will focus on two approaches specifically. One is the concept of entanglement between photons and electrons, and how that can be transferred to materials. The second is the prospect of using multi-electron pulses to induce super-radiant polarization and coherently control quantum system, which due to the fundamental properties of the electrons, could address individual quantum systems, and dark states within them, well below the wavelength of light.