Electron Phonon Coupling in Lead-halide Nanocrystals

Tue, 13/06/202311:00
Seminar Hall, Los Angeles Building, entrance floor

Prof. David Limmer 

Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, USA



In this talk I will discuss the role of charge-lattice coupling in the excited state energetics of lead halide nanocrystals. In particular I will show how electron-phonon interactions significantly renormalize exciton binding energies but not biexciton binding. Polaronic effects alter the exciton binding significantly in small nanocrystals, reducing the binding energy substantially. Biexcitons are weakly bound, and well understood without explicit charge-lattice interactions. These results are arrived from quasi-particle path integral calculations, in which electrons and holes are treated within an effective mass model, and coupled to the lattice through empirical pseudo-potentials.