3 D Printing Introduction for Medical Research & Development Abstract | Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

3 D Printing Introduction for Medical Research & Development Abstract

Mon, 21/12/202015:00
Seminar Hall, Los Angeles Building, entrance floor


 Dr. Yariv Pinto (HUJI

 The Center for Functional and 3 D Printing, Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Additive Manufacturing, better known as 3 D printing is an emerging set of technologies that utilize printing techniques to form 3 D objects We will discuss some of the most common technologies, talk about some use cases in the medical world, look at start up companies that print their products and learn about some novel advances that combine material science research at the Hebrew University with 3D printing to fabricate 4D objects objects which are made of functional materials The 3 D printing Center invites you to use its services to enhance your Research Development effort.


Participation is free but requires registration here