Cryo High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope Apreo 2S | Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Cryo High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope Apreo 2S



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Cryo High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope Apreo 2S

Manufacturer and model:

Analytical High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope Apreo 2S (Thermo Fisher Scientific)

General Information:

Apreo 2 S LoVac is a Schottky Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) that combines high- and low-voltage ultra-high resolution capabilities with an electrostatic lens design together with a low vacuum mode for charge compensation on non-conductive material. The instrument features beam deceleration and unique in-lens detection offering unprecedented contrast and versatility to researchers working with a variety of materials and devices ranging from beam-sensitive soft matter to bulk magnetic samples, even at long (10 mm) working distances. 
For Cryo-SEM the instrument is equipped with the system PP3010 (manufactured by Quorum) permitting fast cooling of samples down to cryogenic temperature, their fracture, coating and SEM imaging at the controlled temperature. 

Key Features:

Apreo 2 S LoVac is equipped the Schottky-type FEG and a comprehensive set of electron detectors for scanning (SEM) and scanning - transmission electron microscopy (STEM). It allows data acquisition at very low electron landing energies and currents. A local elemental analysis and imaging is available with the EDS (Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy) system composed of UltraDry Premium 60 mm2 Silicon Drift detector (SSD) detector working under Pathfinder platform. Additionally, the instrument has a novel AI-based ColorSEM EDS technology for high - resolution real-time elemental mapping and quantification. The chamber of Apreo is capable to accept 65 mm high samples. In situ Plasma Cleaner provides contamination-free imaging at the lowest landing energies.

Manufacturers Webites:

Apreo 2 S at Thermo Fisher Scientific

UtraDry EDS at Thermo Fisher Scientific

Quorum PP3010t system for Cryo-SEM analysis

Start of Operation Date:

September 2022